List of Currently
Manufactured Talking Boards
For those of you who would
like to have a talking board but don't have the time
or inclination to search antique stores and
classified listings there is hope. Here for your
approval are the best of the best in the current
yield of manufactured talking boards. Whether you
prefer a board from a leading manufacturer, or a
custom handcrafted design, we think that you will
find the attention to detail and quality that you
would want in a talking board. Each is uniquely
different in artistic vision and should satisfy the
most demanding connoisseur. They come with our
highest recommendation. Click on any thumbnail for a
larger image.
Ouija - The Mystifying
You wanted the mystery back in the
Ouija board and someone at Hasbro has been
listening. Hasbro’s latest glow-in-the-dark offering
is nothing less than one step short of the dark side.
Finally! Forget about your pink Ouijas for tweens or
the uninspired William Fuld knockoffs of the past
decade. This is an adult board ready for some serious
work. It’s got attitude—no question about it. The
board and box look as if they have been stored in
your grandmother’s attic for at least a century.
Strange writings, both obvious and hidden on the
board enhance the mystery, as does the light up
planchette, automagically emitting an eerie
ultraviolet glow during movement. Very cool! If you
are playing in total darkness, the light from the
planchette will cause the letters you pick to
phosphoresce in a very ghostly way. Comes with
instructions and a few ouijastitions to get you
started. You’ll need three AAA alkaline batteries and
a sharp pointy thing to reset the planchette when the
spirits mess with the electronics, as they will do
occasionally. We should mention one complaint that
we've been getting from buyers. The board surface is
very rough and while that may add to the look, you
may have difficulty sliding the planchette. Update:
Hasbro has returned to the standard white plastic
planchette and made the current board smoother. This
fixes all issues related to this particular board.
Buy from Amazon
Ouija - It Glows In The
Parker Brothers
Bright enough to light the darkest
closet, this incarnation of the Parker Brothers
Ouija is being discontinued for the board
above so grab one soon if you like it. The "glow"
lasts for a full thirty minutes, more than enough
time to contact Thomas Edison to find out how the
darn thing works! Gone is the name "William Fuld" and
gone is the faux bird's eye maple design from earlier
editions. The board and message indicator are
smaller, but then, what isn't these days? The Parker
Brothers Ouija is the undisputed champ of
talking boards and outsells all others by a very wide
margin. Find out for yourself why.
Buy from Amazon
Ouija - Mystifying
Winning Moves
Winning Moves
Games, which specializes in classic, retro, and
fun games, is selling a smaller but sturdier version
of Parker Brothers 1990s Ouija board, making
this a good fit for those who love the original 1938
William Fuld design. Baffling is why they chose the
1992-98 edition, the most common and readily
available older Parker Brothers board on eBay,
instead of the beautiful Deluxe Wooden Edition or
even the classic Blue Ghost which defined the era
from 1938 to 1972. Maybe that's why it's called the
Mystifying Oracle! Priced right, this is a nice
addition to the Ouija line and you should
definitely have one for your collection.
Buy from Amazon
Clear Channel
Destined Soulmates
Ever surf a talking board with a pyramid?
It's easy and fun with the Clear Channel
Board. This is a large non-folding, multi-colored
cardboard talking board with a very well thought out
alphanumeric layout. Also on the board are multiple
choice answer quick-picks reminiscent of older
psychographs. Truly a joy to use is the incredibly
tactile Lucite four-sided pyramid message indicator.
You will never want to put it down. Tony and Donna
Herrera deserve an "A" for design on this one.
or pick up the phone and call them directly at
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
"Conversations with Dead People"
This is the board to buy if you are a
Buffy fan, a collector of talking boards, or if you
just need an attractive alternative to the Parker
Brothers Ouija board. It's stylish in a medieval sort
of way and the arcane sigils on the board suggest
that you will contact whatever you are seeking, be it
vampire or spirit. Fully themed box and planchette
compliment this quality set. Like Dark Horse's
Hellboy Talking Board, this is an instant
Dark Horse knows their stuff. We suggest you buy
one before they sell out.
Buy from Amazon
Pathfinder Psychic Talking
Amy Zerner and Monte
This one just has it
all. Done in a Native American motif, the
Pathfinder Psychic Talking Board is a virtual
cornucopia of easy to read symbols and words.
Messages flow intuitively as the indicator spells out
sentences using the alphabet, or cuts to the chase by
landing on a sign in one of the concentric "wheels."
Here is a board that is designed to grow with the
user. It can be as simple or as complex as you wish,
depending on your level of dedication and practice.
Exquisitely designed for expert and novice alike.
Complete with a comprehensive instruction manual.
Board folds in quarters for easy storage.
Buy from Amazon Be
sure to visit The Enchanted
World of Amy Zerner and Monte
Amy Zerner and Monte
Astounding is the only way to describe
this highly detailed four-fold cardboard talking
board. It has the complete zodiac along with many
other symbols and markings similar to psychographs of
years past. It is more of a fortune telling system
than a simple message board. It comes with a round
plastic message indicator and an instruction manual
that will keep you busy for many hours, maybe days.
Get it through your New Age store, book store, or
directly from The Psychic Circle,
Zerner/Farber Editions P.O. Box 2299 East Hampton, NY
Buy from Amazon
Charmed Spirit
Missing on television since season one,
the Charmed Spirit Board comes back to life as
an authentic reproduction by Sota Toys. How authentic
is it? Compare the repro with the Sword and Stone
original prop on our pictures page. The
shape and letter layout are close but the Sota board
lacks the beautiful wood grained look of the
original. And you won't be using the planchette other
than for decoration. It is made from the same weighty
resin material as the board and is much too heavy.
Still, this is significant piece for Charmed fans and
for hard-core talking board collectors. The
Charmed Spirit Board retails for a whopping
$249.99 and is now sold out at Sota. Find it on eBay
and on Internet sites (search Google) for the short
Angel Spirit
Lisa Parker is a talented artist from the
UK who licenses her artwork for use on products as
far ranging as jewelry to duvet covers, plus several
very nice talking boards. The one that we looked at,
the Angel Spirit Board, came mounted on solid
MDF with a felt backed planchette. A nice box
completes the set. After looking at Lisa's website, we were
tempted to outfit an entire room to compliment our
new talking board. You may be too.
Buy from Amazon.
Hand-crafted Talking
If you prefer a talking
board with a unique personal touch, a hand-crafted
board (made one at a time by hand, rather than mass
produced) may be for you. Hand-crafted boards come in
a variety of colors and designs, and may often be
customized to fill certain special needs. These
boards are usually made of wood, something the "big
boys" can't afford, and this may be a decided
advantage for those who don't like boards made from
cardboard. But there is a downside. Hand-crafted
boards are usually more expensive than their store
bought counterparts and can lack the fancy packaging
of the mass merchandisers. You may be expected to
provide your own message indicator. Instructions on
how to use the board may be sparse or lacking
altogether. There is also the smell of varnish or
other sealers, something for you sensitive nose types
to consider. You may have to wait a painfully long
time for delivery depending on how swamped the artist
is, so be sure to ask before you send any money. All
of this may be secondary to acquiring a genuine work
of art, and you can rest assured that you will have a
bona fide original.
C. Blake Williams Mystical
Talking Boards
C. Blake
When Christopher Blake
Williams calls his talking boards "museum quality
functional art pieces" he isn't kidding and neither
are we when we say that we can't rave enough about
them. They are nothing short of fabulous. Each board
is carved with such intricacy that you need a
magnifying glass to see it all. Be amazed as you look
closely to discover all the remarkable details. This
plus careful staining and special inlays brings his
work to a whole new level in the handcrafted talking
board world. How does he do it? It must be magic. His
planchettes reflect the same attention and each could
stand alone as a unique art item. The viewing windows
are carefully chosen watch crystals, if you can
imagine that. Work like this takes an unbelievable
amount of time and commitment. Get one now before he
moves on to something else. Visit the fantoms.com website to
see what we are talking about. Custom designs
For the Seekers Mystical
Jennifer Sager is a graphic artist and
designer and is blessed with one of those innovative
talents that make you go "Wow!" when you see her
stuff. One look is impossible with Jen's artwork and
it's easy to get lost in the details. Obviously what
she uses for inspiration comes from some place deep
where we mortals never go. If you are any kind of a
talking board collector worth your salt you are going
to want one of her designs like Le Chat Noir
Ossements. Otherwise, you'll be kicking yourself
later. She offers several different talking boards
plus her line of marvelously weird Curious Gifts
through her website.
They are all spectacular.
Nicole Marino does things a little
differently. Not only does she do etched wood talking
boards but she does them for about the same price you’d
pay for a store bought Ouija. That, my friends, is
simply unheard of so no longer do you have to complain
about the price of a handcrafted item. The board set
pictured here is absolutely beautiful with a unique,
competent and workable layout. Lightweight and a little
over eleven inches in diameter, it packs small for
those intimate couple sessions under moonlit skies.
Nicole has other designs as well and will happily take
custom orders. Grab one before she decides to
move on and do other things. PositivelyMystic
on Etsy
What could be more fun than
some interesting knickknacks to go along with your
talking board collection? Ouija board T-shirts,
belts, underwear, coffee mugs and refrigerator
magnets are not only fun but will make you the envy
of your friends during your next big talking board
jamboree. Take along your Ouija backpack or snuggle
in your Ouija blanket. Talk about accessorizing!
Well, you are in luck. Never has there been a time
with more online Ouija board merchandise. You want to
start with
first because, well, we get a penny for every hundred
dollars you spend. Then search eBay and finally, for some
really nice handmade treats, search Etsy. The assortment
you'll find will be truly mind-blowing. Happy
Ouija Board
How would you like to have
some free nifty Ouija board fonts for your computer?
Harold at Harold's Fonts
makes just what you need. We used his Cap'n Howdy
font for the title of this page. His Sideshow font is
a dead ringer for the early Kennard/Fuld alphabet.
Imagine the possibilities.
Do you know of a talking
board or accessory that should be added to this list?
Please let us know. Be sure to check our Links and Acknowledgements page for
other talking boards sites.
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