Filmmakers love to use
gimmicks so it's no surprise to see the Ouija board
when a movie calls for a scary séance. Ouija
sessions, or variations of it like Ask the Glass, usually appear in
horror films, but sometimes in mainstream movies too.
The Ouija will warn, instruct, or offer information
from the spirit world, often with mixed results. This
is frequently a key scene, setting the stage for the
rest of the story. We rate a few of these films on
the page below and give short reviews. Where
applicable, there will be links to where
you can buy them if you like.
Arguably, the movie most
linked to the Ouija board these days is the 1973
Blatty-Friedkin blockbuster, The Exorcist. It
is so connected, thanks to the Internet, that some
are of the opinion that it was instrumental in
sullying the Ouija board's otherwise friendly
reputation, it having been perceived before as a
harmless William Fuld parlor game. Nothing could be
further from the truth. Since its inception in 1890
and even earlier in other incarnations, the Ouija
board has horrified and distressed people splendidly
in the most frightening ways. Viewed as an offense
against God by religionists, a fraud by scientists,
and with general suspicion by the population at large, the
Ouija board has always been notorious. And so it goes
to this day.
But why The Exorcist
and what is it about this film that resonates so much
now with people's perception of what the Ouija board
is all about? In it, the sequence is a small but
significant one. Chris (Ellen Burstyn) asks her
daughter Regan (Linda Blair) if she knows how to use
the family Ouija board:
"Sure Mom, I do it all the
time with Captain Howdy," answers
"Who is Captain Howdy?" asks
"You know. Captain Howdy. I
ask the questions and he gives the
The Ouija board becomes the
portal through which Captain Howdy takes possession
of Regan in this classic Christian psychodrama
starring the Devil as absolute unmitigated evil whose
sole purpose is to corrupt the innocent and torment
the living. The Ouija scene, so essential to the
plot, is quickly forgotten, eclipsed by the horror
that follows. So forgotten was it, in fact, that at
the time many viewers didn't remember the scene.
Newspaper articles reviewing the film mentioned
everything else, especially the pea soup and the neck
twisting, but not the Ouija board. It's interesting
how times change.
Today, The
Exorcist is a legendary, influential film
experience for many who view it on DVD, by rental or online. Unless you are over 50, you may not have
ever seen it in a movie theater. To say that it's not
as scary on smaller screens in this age of "autopsy
television" and movie computer generated imagery is
understandable. As such, the impact of the exorcism
fades and the Ouija segment becomes all the more
memorable and for many a nice "first look" at
the Wonderful Talking Board. Lacking any historical
frame of reference, it's easy to see how The
Exorcist and the Ouija's reputation might become
-The Exorcist
    Buy from
Five stars is our highest
The skunk is for
dreadful acting, nonexistent plot, gratuitous gore, and no redeeming
qualities whatsoever—just what you may be looking for in a
Ouija Board, Koko the
This live action/animation short is notable
for being the first cartoon to feature a Ouija board. If you have
ever seen Koko the Clown, you know what this is about. Recommended
for Max Fleischer fans, talking board historians, and those under
twelve only.
This is a superior 40's ghost
thriller about a brother and sister (Ray Milland, Ruth Hussey) who
buy a haunted house on the Cornish coast. At first scoffing at the
rumors of a ghost in the house, they quickly change their minds when
confronted by a malevolent presence. Understated by today's slash and
hack standards, there is still enough atmosphere in this film to
raise the hair on all but the most hardened horror movie fans' necks.
It has all the classic ingredients: the old dark mansion, the family
secret, great looking ghosts, and of course, the séance using an
impromptu Ouija board made from a scrabble set and an inverted wine
glass. Recommended. Buy Uninvited / Movie
Thirteen Ghosts
1960 Horror
A family
with financial problems inherits an old dark house haunted by
thirteen ghosts, a witch and a sleazy lawyer. Don't forget to wear
your special "Ghost Viewers" to see the ghosts. Oops! Temporarily out
of "Ghost Viewers?" Never fear, you won't need them for the home
video versions. There is one very effective Ouija scene where the
spirits announce their intention to H-U-R-T and maybe even K-I-L-L
the unfortunate family. Martin Milner
fans will love his performance as the money hungry attorney. Ever
wondered what happened to Margaret Hamilton (the Wicked Witch of the
West) after the Wizard of Oz? Find out in this William Castle
thriller. Buy 13 Ghosts
Tales From the
1972 Horror
film adaptation of the 1950's comic book series with the same name.
Dreadful deaths come to dreadful people who have done dreadful things
in this wonderful late night gem of a movie. Five short tales make
this easy to watch in parts—great for refrigerator and bathroom
breaks in between the ghastliness. In Poetic Justice, Peter
Cushing plays a kindly neighborhood eccentric, favorite of children
and animals alike. His dead wife communicates with him through a
Ouija board to warn him of danger from his jealous conniving
across-the-street neighbors who have nothing better to do than to
destroy his life with a vicious hate campaign. He delivers
retribution in the form of a Valentine's "gift" so hideous that it
gives real meaning to the movie's slogan: Death
Lives! Buy Movie
Alison's Birthday

1979 Horror
It is the
low budget claustrophobic look of this movie, rather than the average
plot or acting, that makes this film genuinely creepy. Sixteen year
old Alison and several school mates conjure the spirit of Alison's
dead father during a séance with a fabricated Ouija board. Her
father warns her not to go home for her nineteenth birthday but a
stronger presence named "Mirne" takes over and violently rearranges
the furniture causing much damage and death to one of the girls. Two
and a half years later, in one of those inexplicable sequences seen
only in horror movies, Alison disregards the warning and returns home
for a birthday celebration with her Aunt, Uncle, and close family
friends. Before long, Alison finds herself at the mercy of an ancient
Celtic demoness worshiping cult, proving without a doubt, that she
should have listened to Daddy after all. Buy Alison's Birthday
Amityville 3-D
1983 Horror
skeptical writer buys the infamous Amityville house because it's
cheap and because he obviously hasn't seen the first two Amityville
movies. His family is a little leery of the idea. Predictably,
everyone dies a painful, horrible death. Good acting and special
effects makes this a watchable if slow moving horror film. Meg Ryan
(in one of her first films) has the best line when she asks the
glass, "Is there anyone in this room who is really in danger?" The
viewers of this movie won't need a Ouija board to know the answer to
that one. Buy Amityville 3-D
The Devil's Gift 
1984 Horror
An evil
spirit conjured by an old crone through a Ouija board, shows his
appreciation by killing her, demolishing her home then lodging in her
toy cymbal playing monkey. The monkey somehow ends up in a second
hand store and is sold to a woman looking for a birthday gift for a
young boy. All sorts of bad things happen to the boy and his dad when
the monkey gets "mad" and claps the cymbal. The cymbal playing monkey
in this movie is seriously scary but the movie is so poorly
constructed that it really doesn't matter. It is unlikely that anyone
will ever sit through it beginning to end unless they are
tranquilized, asleep, or otherwise occupied with a partner on the
couch. Buy Devil's Gift

1985 Horror
A group
of losers looking for laughs invade an old mansion unaware that an
evil sorcerer is lurking in the attic just waiting for a few juicy
new sacrifices to use in his demonic plan to resurrect his long dead
wife. A Ouija board, found in a closet, prophesies then directs the
killings of the unwitting guests by creatures best described as
excrement men. Borrowing heavily from films like Phantasm and
Night of the Living Dead, this movie has the suspense and
horror of neither, disintegrating instead into a foul mess of bad
special effects and abysmal acting. Excruciating to watch, it may be
the worst horror film ever made. View at your own
risk. Buy Spookies
1985 Horror
This is
the first and the best of the Witchboard trilogy. At a party,
a gathering of friends channel an evil entity impersonating the
spirit of a little boy through a Ouija board. A young woman (Tawny
Kitaen!), fascinated by the idea of contact beyond the grave, becomes
ensnared by the possessive spirit named Malfator. Coming to her aid
are two feuding boyfriends, a whacked out trance medium, and a
bumbling detective. Somehow it all works wonderfully. This movie is
responsible for shaping more opinions (and fears) about the Ouija
than any other, exploiting masterfully every superstition known about
the board. It even adds one of its own—progressive entrapment.
If you were fortunate (?) enough to see this film on opening night at
the right theater, and weren't completely freaked out of your wits,
you could have brought home your very own
Witchboard—compliments of the promotions department at Paragon
Arts International. Buy Witchboard/Movie
Girls' School
1986 Horror
A rich
man dies and bequeaths a mansion loaded with goodies to a girl's
Catholic school. The Nuns send several girls to the estate to
inventory its contents. At first all goes well, with the girls
playing merry games, swearing and smoking, and talking about boys, as
girls will do. While hiding under a vanity during a game of hide and
seek, a girl finds an old diary that tells a tale of love gone bad
and a horrible betrayal. Anxious to know more, the girls hold a
séance using an improvised Ouija board (in this case, "Ask the
Skull") to discover the truth. But before they find out anything,
they are all killed by a lurker with eggs for eyes and earthworms
dangling from his nose. This is an absolutely dreadful film with
acting so bad that it appears that the actors are reading from a
teleprompter. It's hard to feel any sympathy for the characters as
they are axed, hooked, strangled, drowned, run over, or otherwise
dispatched. Someone should do the same thing to the makers of this
movie. Buy Girl School Screamers
1990 Drama
Williams plays a shy but determined research physician at a mental
hospital caring for brain damaged patients believed to be beyond
medical help. Bucking the system from the start, he determines to
find the answers to a baffling malady that renders its victims living
statues. While experimenting with a catatonic patient (Robert De
Niro) using a Ouija board, he discovers that the apparently
non-responsive patient is functioning after all, if only on some deep
inner level. Top notch directing and acting make this an above
average film, although some viewers may find the subject matter far
more disturbing than any horror film on this page. Highly
recommended. Buy Awakenings
1990 Comedy
irreverent, and hysterically funny, this spoof of The Exorcist
will either keep you in stitches or bore you to death depending on
how you resonate with its hit or miss humor. Linda Blair steals the
show as the now grown woman who is "repossessed" by the Devil. Leslie
Nielson is the exorcist who must free her. Lots of pea soup, neck twisting and devil witticisms from
Blair who looks as if she is having the time of her life.
Supporting players Ned Beatty and Linda Schwab are great as Jim and
Tammy Bakker lookalikes. Anthony Starke plays the young bumbling
priest struggling with faith issues. Keep an eye out for the Ouija
scene, when someone asks the question, "Will Ted Kennedy ever be
elected president?" We told you it was a stupid film. We loved it
anyway. Buy Repossessed
And You Thought Your Parents Were
1991 Comedy
teenage brothers with high IQs create a robot for fun and profit and
to help their family in the midst of a financial crisis following
their father's untimely death. At a Halloween party, the older boy
inadvertently releases the spirit of his father from his heavenly
reward during a session with a talking board. The father's spirit
takes up residency in the boys' robot with predictable results. The
number of subplots in this film keeps it from becoming too pedestrian
and there is a particularly touching scene when the robot reveals his
true identity to the boys' mother. This one will keep the kids busy
on a rainy Saturday afternoon. Mildly entertaining. Buy Movie
Radio Flyer

1991 Drama
A drunken
stepfather sadistically terrorizes two brothers and thrashes the
younger one black and blue. The hardworking mom is blissfully unaware
until the badly beaten youngster is hospitalized. After a brief jail
stint, the stepfather, who insists the family call him "The King,"
returns to continue the abuse. The boys try to deal with the
real-life monster by vanquishing imaginary ones and spending their
days as far from "The King" as possible. While using a Rajah Far East
Talking Board they ask, "Is there really a Bigfoot?" Big Jerk is more
like it. The title of the film refers to a red wagon that the boys
outfit with wings and a lawnmower motor in hopes that it will fly
them to freedom. If this movie gets you all worked up you can call
the number for abused children displayed during the closing
credits. Buy Radio Flyer
Sorority House Massacre 2

1992 Horror
silicone enhanced beauties express dismay at the rundown condition of
their new college sorority house. Fortunately, they find a Ouija
board in the basement to help lift their spirits. Before the Ouija
can reveal anything meaningful, the planchette explodes and flies
into the fireplace. One girl is brainy enough to know that "lightning
must have struck the house" causing the abnormality. But viewers of
these sorts of films know that lightning had nothing to do with it.
The actresses are going to get naked, take showers, and then be
slaughtered in the most horrible ways. Why? Well, because that's just
what happens—that's why! Buy Sorority House Massacre 2
Witchboard 2: The Devil's Doorway
1993 Horror
(Ami Dolenz), a timid but pretty woman tired of playing it safe,
takes an artist's loft to escape a controlling boyfriend and to
pursue her interest in painting. She soon meets the apartment
building's weird inhabitants: an intense photographer, a lecherous
landlord and his forty-something hippie wife. Paige's problems begin
when she uses a Ouija board left by a former tenant, an exotic dancer
named Susan. She learns from the Ouija that Susan was murdered and
that no one is aware of the crime. For reasons impossible to
comprehend, Paige decides to search for Susan's body and expose her
killer. Things get hairy when (surprise!) an ungrateful Susan escapes
the spirit world and possesses Paige's body so that she can "get her
life back." This is an OK horror film that gets bogged down by the
lead character's unbelievable behavior. Is this girl just a little
dumb, or what? There are good special effects though, along with
great dialog like, "You can't kill me, I'm already dead!" and, "You
always wanted me when I was alive and you wanted Paige too. Now you
can have us both at the same time!" See the promo board for Witchboard 2. Buy Witchboard 2 / Movie
1994 Romance
eleven year old Faith asks the Ouija board who her future husband
will be, the message indicator spells out D-A-M-O-N B-R-A-D-L-E-Y.
Years later at a carnival, a fortune teller startles her by revealing
the same name. Convinced that Damon Bradley is her destined soul-mate
but resigned to the realization that they will never meet, Faith
(Marisa Tomei) settles for a really boring guy instead. Just before
they are married, she is astonished to hear that a friend of her
fiancé's in Italy has the name Damon Bradley. Calling off her
wedding, she boards a plane to search for the man of her dreams. This
is a good "first date" film appealing to those who like lighthearted
romance movies with good endings. Girls will love it. Guys: bring
your Rolaids. Buy Only You
Witchboard 3: The Possession

1995 Horror
When a young married couple inherits a Ouija board from their
recently deceased landlord, they marvel over their new found fortune,
especially since the Ouija can correctly predict the stock market.
But unbeknownst to them, the landlord is really a big ugly demon with
horns and bad skin and is not as dead as everyone believes. Using the
Ouija as a portal, the demon possesses the body of the young man then
tries to make a devil baby with the pretty wife and later her comely
best friend. Things go downhill for the young couple and also for any
unfortunate viewers of this convoluted, almost unwatchable film. Neat
looking Ouija board, though. If you rent this on video be sure to
have the remote control close by. You will want to keep your finger
near the "fast forward" button. Buy Witchboard III - The Possession
1995 Horror
It's half Morlock, half pepperoni pizza and it's frozen in stone in
the abandoned mine beneath your house. Not to worry unless you
conjure it playing "Ask the Glass" like the stupid dolts do in this
awful splatter film. They all die. They are crushed, chopped,
chained, caged, bludgeoned, beheaded, eaten, jerked through the
floorboards, and scared out of their wits—and not necessarily
in that order. If you're a fan of the dripping red stuff and don't
mind watching a movie so bad that it's Grim, then by all
means, rent this movie from your local video outlet before they
destroy every last copy. Better still, rescue one from the remainder
bin and give it to a friend. No reason for you to suffer
alone. Get Grim
Lies Beneath   
2000 Horror
Is Claire (Michelle Pfeiffer) having an attack of "empty nest
syndrome" or has a spook come home to roost? She uses a K-Mart Ouija
board to try to find out. This is the first movie ever to feature the
séance in the bathroom. It beats reading the newspaper. Good
acting from stars Pfeiffer and Harrison Ford keep this lightweight
horror film afloat. The last five minutes are worth the first two
hours of typical horror film "startle moments" and not-so-creepy
ghostly manifestations. Watch for the bridge scene where Claire wins
the "Absurd Things Actresses Do To Make The Plot Work"
award. Buy What Lies Beneath
Time Dead 
2002 Horror
Several British twenty-somethings top off a night of clubbing and
drugging by having a Ouija board session. Not surprisingly, they
encounter a nasty spirit. The message is, "all die," and, sure
enough, they all do. The spirit takes an hour and a half to kill
them. That's a job that would take any respectable demon about thirty
seconds. The movie is marred by tangled story lines, insufferable
characters, and annoying MTV-like jump cuts. Long Time Dead
may be comprehensible to whoever made this film but not to anyone
else. Not sure if it ever appeared stateside, although some of our
readers swear it did. Available on tape and
DVD. Buy Long Time Dead
2007 Horror
A paranormal something haunts young couple Micah
and Katie in their home. Micah records the entire
ordeal and we get to see what the camera sees in
this unusual horror film. Big studios listen up.
This is how you make a truly creepy and terrifying
horror film for next to no money. It is unnerving
and brilliant in its simplicity. Yes, there is a
talking board and like the other gimmicks in this
movie it works flawlessly to deliver exactly what
we are looking for. Don't even
think about it.
Buy Paranormal Activity
You won't be sorry.
I Am
On Halloween, five friends meet to
celebrate in a private island hideaway. One brings
a Mystifying Oracle and they encounter a variety of
spirits including one named ZOZO who is extremely
bad news. Aside from that one small detail, they
get to spend quality time bonding the way young
people love to do. So, what's to complain about? If
you hate movies that set you up, show tons of
promise only to flat line later, this one is not
for you. Shot entirely on Kodak Super 8mm film,
there is a beautiful haunting and personal feel to
admire. The soundtrack is marvelous and brings us
closer to the actors who are authentic and well
developed, unlike in the majority of low budget
scary films these days. The slow pacing of the
film, and make no mistake, it is slo-o-o-w, works
to its advantage, developing mood and getting us
primed for the grand finale. Unfortunately, during
the last five minutes, where everything is supposed
to happen, nothing of any consequence does. Because
of the poorly thought out ending, the movie is
neither here nor there. It's not scary enough to
satisfy horror fans nor is it an effective
psychological thriller, which it wants so
desperately to be. Buy I Am Zozo
After playing with a Ouija board the
wrong way, a girl commits suicide by wrapping a
Christmas tree light cord around her neck and
jumping off a second floor balcony. Or, so it
appears. Not fooled for a minute, her best friends
unite to discover what really happened and this
means that they must use the same Ouija board to
unravel the mystery. Critics hated this movie and
for good reason. Despite likable, competent actors,
it delivers nothing in the way of tension,
foreboding, or scares of any kind. It is "watch
out, something is about to happen" followed by a
loud noise. If loud noises don't scare you, neither
will this movie. Aimed for the PG13 crowd, there is
no sex, no nudity, no gore, and no horror. Not that
these things, except for the last, are essential
but one gets the feeling that it is one long
episode from the CW Television Network—maybe Supernatural without the Super or the
Natural. On the bright side, Ouija, topped the
movie charts for opening weekend making a ton of
money. Let's hope Ouija 2 gets it
better. Buy Ouija
Ouija: Origin of
Alice Zander (Elizabeth Reaser) runs a home
spiritualist racket with her two daughters Lina
(Annalise Basso) and Doris (Lulu Wilson) to help pay
the bills after losing her husband. Lina suggests
they add a Ouija board to the act after experimenting
with one at a party. A malevolent spirit possesses
Doris through the board and this leads them to
discover the deadly, dark history of the house and
the evil spirit that inhabits it.
This prequel to Ouija (2014) is
superior in every way. Did the makers spend a little
too much time watching The Exorcist? Almost
certainly. Do we hold that against them? Almost
certainly not. Ouija: Origin of Evil takes
us back to the late 1960s to lay the groundwork for
the 2014 film, and a gorgeous 1960s it is. Sets and
costumes are beautiful, spot on, and check out those
cars! The rich colors of the film give it a period
depth that we rarely see in horror movies these days.
The acting is superb, writing is competent and you
never get the feeling that the movie is pandering to
a particular demographic. Will you be scared or
completely creeped out by the horror and suspense?
Not if you feel that twists and turns, foreboding and
unseen dread are essential to a movie like this. For
everyone else, it’s a fun movie. Buy Ouija: Origin of Evil
of a movie that should be added to this list?
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