In 1890, Kennard Novelty Company introduced Elijah J. Bond's talking board to the world. With the peculiar name "Ouija," it quickly captured the imagination of Americans everywhere. The Ouija was advertised far and wide as having wondrous powers and this caused quite a commotion in the scientific community who universally rejected the whole idea as preposterous. Retailers however, were quite clear in their promise. This is what the Ralph E. Sylvestre & Company catalog for spiritualists and mediums had to say about it:

What is it? "Ouija" prophesies, forewarns and advises, as well as prefigures one's destiny. "Ouija's" revelation of what was, what is, and what is to come, rival the Delphic Oracles. The curtain is lifted, revealing the secrets of that debatable land between matter and spirit, and nature's laws have no control over this marvelous instrument. The Unknown Land seems almost within our grasp, and the scientific mind strives to comprehend just where this borderland lies.

The "Ouija" is without a doubt the most interesting, remarkable and mysterious production of the 20th century. Its operations are always interesting and frequently invaluable, answering, as it does, questions concerning the past, present and future with marvelous accuracy. The English Journal, "Light," says: "It certainly seems a readier method of communication than the planchette." Price . . . . .$1.50

Well. How would you like to have your destiny prefigured? Or your curtain lifted? If you are using a late browser and have your JavaScript enabled, you may want to try to contact the spirit world using the Kennard Ouija board pictured above. Spirits love JavaScript. Just left click with your mouse and drag the planchette around the board to see what transpires.
Hello . . . . This IS a game. Isn't it?


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