J.M. Simmons &
Chicago, Illinois
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TALKING BOARD. Many scientists claim that this
board does not answer questions from an unknown
power; that its animation "flows" from personal
magnetism. Spiritualists claim that invisible
spirits guide its movements, a superior
intelligence ruling our future. Whether you
accept one theory or the other, the fact remains
that you can have endless entertainment with the
OUIJA BOARD. It holds you spellbound with its
answers. The OUIJA BOARD has baffled the greatest
minds." - J.M. Simmons
So began
J.M. Simmons Ouija
Board instruction sheet in 1920. The J.M. Simmons
Ouija is the quintessential Halloween talking board
and you know this the first time you see it. There is
a witch, a black cat, two four-leaf clovers, a
swastika, and a hexagram. In the center is the
silhouette of a magical Middle East city, perhaps
Baghdad. It is a curiosity, to be sure. The occult
imagery and the weird juxtaposition of the German
Nazi symbol with the Star of David are enough to
raise the eyebrows of the most stoic. The more
emotional won't even touch the board and may, on rare
occasions, run screaming into the street. It wasn't
always so. Back in the twenties, the swastika was a
good luck symbol common on specialty coins,
postcards, and many lucky trinkets and had nothing to
do with the Third Reich. It's interesting how
perceptions change over time. There aren't many now
who think Baghdad magical and only the foolhardy
would decorate an item with a swastika, luck or no
J.M. Simmons was a toy
maker known for his games 1000 Bingo, Bingo Corn
Games, Jumbo Lotto and Keno. The idea of capitalizing
on the lure of the occult appealed to him and he
expanded his business to include books on mind power
and personal magnetism. Among his offerings was his
"Ouija Bottle," a bizarre
glass tube device filled with a blood-red fluid. Used
as a pendulum, and touted as "THE WONDERFUL MIND
READING BOTTLE," it would supposedly answer any "yes"
or "no" question by swinging in a straight line or
circle. The instruction sheet came with dozens of
questions to ask if you drew a blank and couldn't
think of any on your own. These novelties are gone
now and you are unlikely to find them except by sheer
chance. But you do find his Ouija boards of which he
sold hundreds of thousands. Printing was usually
better on his large plywood boards—the smaller
editions were often smeary, and over the years, as
plywood became more expensive, he changed to
hardboard and finally cardboard. During the war years
he wisely replaced the swastika for the more
palatable lucky horseshoe. Just to let everyone know
there was no German connection he stamped on the back
"MADE IN THE USA" in huge letters. He sold through
the mail and advertised in magazines under the Ouija
name and as the ASKME board. In a bold move, he made
a second Ouija design with Asian characters, witches,
and a big bag of money, all, we imagine,connected
with one another in some odd way. It didn't sell very
well and is now the rarest of the Simmons
Perhaps the biggest
surprise was Simmon's willingness to express his
personal distain for his customers. Not often do we
see a manufacturer so eager to shoot himself in the
foot with his remarks. Not a quiet man, this was one
of many articles based on personal interviews:
The Public
Are Fools And Ouija King Laughs
Makes a Fortune From Boards He Has No Faith
THIERRY, N. E. A. Staff Correspondent.
CHICAGO—A jolly little fat man sits in a
rickety chair in a dusty factory office and
laughs so heartily he shakes like a
quivering cone of Jelly. Mirth overwhelms
him when you mention the ouija board. For
the jolly chap is J.M. Simmons, "Ouija
King." He can afford to laugh. For the
people are buying the ouija boards he makes
so fast he's rolling in money.
PUBLIC- "The public are fools!" laughs the
"Ouija king." "They'll bite on anything,"
he continues. "The public belief In the
ouija board is a joke. We don't foster it.
But the poor deluded fools want the board
and we're giving it to them by the
thousands. The past year 500,000 ouija
boards were sold by J. M. Simmons &
Co., made in a little second floor factory
with 10 employees on Chicago's West Side.
Simmons said as many more were sold by the
William Fuld company of Baltimore. Does
"Ouija King" Simmons use the ouija board
himself? He does not!
TO FUTURE- If the man who makes the ouija
really thought the ouija had any mystic
power he would sit right down and ask the
ouija to tell him whether the ouija craze
is going to last through the winter.
And—precisely quoting Mr. Simrnons: "I
ain't such a fool as to waste my time
asking the ouija questions about the craze.
Gosh, though! I'd like to know whether the
fool public's going to yell for the ouija
next winter. It's hard to get the three-ply
lumber stock the boards are made out of
unless you order it long in advance. I
don't know whether to order lumber or not."
Simmons probably will take the chance. For
he's moving into a factory four times as
big as the old one. And if the ouija fails
him he'll go back to making toys.
BUNK, SAYS HE- Simmons says he doesn't
foster mystic belief in the ouija. Yet the
directions he puts out contain these
statements: "Many scientists claim this
board does not answer questions from an
unknown power; that its 'animation' flows
from personal magnetism. Spiritualists
claim that invisible spirits guide its
movements, a superior intelligence ruling
our future. If you fail to get results in
playing the board, it is at no time the
fault of the board. It is merely that the
so-called psychic force is undeveloped in
the operators. In that case, simply ask
some one who has played a board before to
operate it with you, and you will
undoubtedly secure immediate results." "Of
course, that's all bunk," says jolly Mr.
Simmons. —The Ogden
Standard-Examiner, August 12,
Whether Simmon's
mirthful attitude had anything to do with the
fire that burned his factory to the ground we
cannot say. Newspapers were unsympathetic and
OUIJA RECUPERATES." Undaunted, Simmons built
another factory and continued in the Ouija board
business well into the 1960s. Buyers may
currently find his boards in antique stores,
online on eBay, and occasionally, if the stars
are smiling, at fire sales.

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